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Referenz: Heather Nehring

Profilbild von Heather Nehring

We all have important and meaningful roles to play in life! I work with people through training, coaching and strategic decision making as they seek to gain insight and build skills. The Boudewijn Vermeulen® Method, refined by Dr. Eva Kinast, enhances a person’s relationship to self in times of change and renewal, giving them the foundation from which to address life’s challenges.
During the last 25 years, I have come to understand the significance of refocusing and reconnecting, regularly, to enhance physical, emotional and mental well-being. Becoming a Certified Retreat Facilitator for the Boudewijn Vermeulen® Method, has once again deepened my professional skills, while also renewing my fascination with how we learn and discover our individual potential. Thank you!

Heather Nehring, International Facilitator and Coach, Deutschland/USA, LinkedIn-Profil

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